Model Tab

Compute single-compartment integrate-and-fire (IAF) and Hodgkin-Huxley-like simulations.

Many simulation parameters can be readily viewed and modified via a ListBox control. Other parameters can be modifed by editing NeuroMatic procedure files for the model of interest.

Currently available models include a basic leaky IAF model, an Adaptive Exponential (AdEx) IAF model, the Hodgkin-Huxley Model and five ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) models (Types I-c, I-t, I-II, II-I, II) from Rothman and Manis 2003.

Use existing NeuroMatic code to create your own Hodgkin-Huxley-like models that run within the NeuroMatic environment.

Select a model using the Model Select drop-down menu at the top of the Model Tab. Key parameters such as the resting membrane potential (V0), membrance capacitance (Cm), membrane conductance amplitudes (gNa, gK, gLeak...) and reversal potentials (eNa, eK, eLeak...) are displayed in the ListBox control and can be edited here.

Clamp Checkbox – switch between voltage-clamp and current-clamp simulations.

Run the simulation. NeuroMatic uses the Igor function IntegrateODE to compute solutions for the ordinary differential equations.

Table – display model parameters in a table.

Kinetics – compute/display voltage dependence of the kinetic parameters for each model conductance (i.e. steady-state activation/inactivation curves and time constants for Hodgkin-Huxley parameters m, h, n, etc.).

Code – view the NeuroMatic procedure code for the currently selected model (also see Igor Menu/NeuroMatic/Procedures/Model).

This figure shows an IAF simulation (black) of a cerebellar granule cell receiving the sum of 4 mossy-fiber synaptic inputs. The synaptic inputs have an AMPA-receptor component (gAMPA, n=4; red) and NMDA-receptor component (gNMDA, unblocked, n=4; green). The conductance trains were computed via the Pulse Tab by clicking the Model Button and selecting “Granule Cell Synaptic Conductance Train with Short-Term Plasticity”. The resulting Pulse Waves had prefix names “gAMPA” and “gNMDA”, which were entered as values for the Model Tab ListBox parameters gAMPA_WavePrefix and gNMDA_WavePrefix. Some of the parameters for this IAF simulation can be seen in the above screenshot of the Model Tab.

This figure shows 3 overlaid simulations of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model for a single compartment with -65 mV resting potential. A 70 ms current step was injected at 10 ms, with amplitude 50, 100 and 150 pA (red, green and blue) via the ListBox parameters iClampDuration, iClampOnset, iClampAmp and iClampAmpInc.

This figure shows two overlaid simulations of a ventral cochlear nucleus bushy cell (Type II) model configured by selecting “Rothman_VCN” in the top model-select drop-down menu. A 100 ms current step was injected at 10 ms, with amplitude -500 and 500 pA (red and blue) via the ListBox parameters iClampDuration, iClampOnset, iClampAmp and iClampAmpInc.