Install NeuroMatic v3.0s

  • Download NeuroMatic v3.0s. Unzip the downloaded file. You should now have a folder called NeuroMatic that contains all of NeuroMatic’s procedure files.
  • Alternatively, you can download NeuroMatic from its GitHub repository. See the README file for instructions on how to contribute to NeuroMatic’s development.
  • Put the NeuroMatic folder, or its shortcut, in the Igor Procedures folder. Start Igor. NeuroMatic’s menu should appear within Igor’s top menu bar, NeuroMatic’s main panel should appear within Igor and the following text should appear in the Igor Command Window (Igor Menu/Windows/Command Window): Initialized NeuroMatic v3.0s
  • Function Compilation Error: Error in NM_ClampNIDAQmx.ipf: NidaqErrorPrint. This Igor compile error occurs if the NeuroMatic procedure file NM_ClampNIDAQmx.ipf has been loaded, but the WaveMetrics NIDAQ Tools MX has not been installed on your computer. If the computer you are using is not being used for data acquisition, you can remove the NMClamp folder from NeuroMatic’s procedure folder, or remove NM_ClampNIDAQmx.ipf from the NMClamp folder.

Opening Old Igor Experiments

  • After opening an Igor experiment that has been saved on a disk, NeuroMatic will automatically check whether the Igor experiment contains an older version of NeuroMatic. If it does, NeuroMatic will execute its Reinitialize function to update all its parameters.
  • If you encounter any problem opening an old Igor experiment that contains NeuroMatic, try updating NeuroMatic (Igor Menu/NeuroMatic/Reinitialize).

Deprecated Functions

  • Several NeuroMatic functions have been deprecated. If you used NeuroMatic functions within your own user-defined functions, you may encounter a NeuroMatic deprecation alert when you execute your functions. Most deprecations are not fatal (the deprecated functions call the new functions). See Functions/Macros for more information.

Match Template XOP


  • Those wanting to open and/or save files with HDF5 format need to install the HDF5 XOP provided by WaveMetrics. For instructions enter the following text into the Igor Command Line:

    DisplayHelpTopic "Installing The HDF5 Package"

Clamp Tab For Data Acquisition

  • Those using a NIDAQ device should obtain Igor’s NIDAQ Tools MX and place it in the Igor Extensions folder. This XOP has a license fee.
  • Those using an ITC device (16 or 18) should obtain the appropriate legacy Igor ITC XOP and place it in the Igor Extensions folder. This XOP has no license fee.
  • Those using a Multiclamp amplifier (700A or 700B) can install the AxonTelegraph XOP provided by WaveMetrics. For instructions enter the following text into the Igor Command Line:

    DisplayHelpTopic "Installing The AxonTelegraph XOP"

    The AxonTelegraph XOP allows automatic scaling of the acquired data (i.e. the ADC input channels attached to the Multiclamp amplifier). NeuroMatic will also use this XOP to save Multiclamp setting variables along with your acquired data (i.e. inside a NeuroMatic Data Folder).
  • Add the Clamp Tab via NeuroMatic’s “+” Tab (8).
  • On the Clamp File Tab, enter the disk directory path where data files are to be saved (save to) and enter your name, lab name and experimental title (Notes).
  • On the Clamp DAQ Tab, enter your data acquisition (DAQ) device configurations for ADC inputs and DAC/TTL outputs.
  • Save your NeuroMatic Configurations for future use (Igor Menu/NeuroMatic/Configurations/Save/All).

Download NeuroMatic v3.0s

Support NeuroMatic by entering the following details before clicking one of the download buttons. Alternatively, you can download NeuroMatic from its GitHub repository.

Support NeuroMatic by citing the following Frontiers article:

Rothman JS and Silver RA. NeuroMatic: An Integrated Open-Source Software Toolkit for Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation of Electrophysiological Data. Front Neuroinform. 2018 Apr 4;12:14. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00014.




Download NeuroMatic (No Acquisition)



Download NeuroMatic + Clamp Tab Acquisition (Mac)



Download NeuroMatic + Clamp Tab Acquisition (PC)