Clamp DAQ Configs Tab

Data acquisition (DAQ) device configurations are created via the Clamp Configs Tab, displayed above. These are your “global device configurations” that are selected on the Clamp/Stim/Ins/Outs Tab.

When creating your DAQ device configurations, you are required to use a unique name for each configuration (e.g. “Vmem”, “Imem”, “Vcmd”, “Icmd”, etc.). These names are what NeuroMatic uses to find the correct configuration when initializing a Stimulus Protocol. Using unique names makes it easier to share stimulus protocols between rigs, since rigs often have different ADC, DAC and TTL channel connections.

ADC, DAC, TTL – toggle between ADC input configurations, and DAC and TTL output configurations.

Number – NeuroMatic allows any number of ADC/DAC/TTL configurations to be created. Access your different configurations with the SetVariable control on the top right. Or use the quick-access buttons labeled with numbers. Or access all at once by selecting the Table button.

Table – edit your device configurations using a table.

Reset – reset the current device configuration or all device configurations to default values.

Extract – in previous versions of NeuroMatic, device configurations were located within each Stimulus Protocol (in which case changing them was a tedious task). To create new “global device configurations” from these old ones, you can open all your previous stimulus protocols and select the Extract button. NeuroMatic will extract the old configurations and create new global ones for you. Afterward, you should check these global ADC, DAC and TTL configurations by selecting the Table button. There may be duplicate configurations.

Save – save your configurations to disk for future use and to share with others.

ADC/DAC/TTL Parameters

Board – select the board device to record from (or send an output to) if you have more than one device installed (NIDAQ users only).

Channel – the device channel number to record from (or send output to).

Name – the unique name you wish to call this configuration (e.g. “Imem”).

Units – select the appropriate units for this configuration (e.g. “pA”).

Scale – enter the appropriate scale conversion factor (e.g. 0.01 V/pA). For ADC inputs, waves are scaled after being acquired from the DAQ device. For DAC and TTL outputs, waves are scaled before being sent to the DAQ device. Automatic ADC input scaling can be configured via the Telegraph option described below.

Pre-Sample – ADC configurations. If pre-sample is selected, data acquired on this ADC input will be acquired immediately before acquisition of each episode. For example, this mode could be used to acquire data from a temperature sensor. Pre-sampled ADC inputs are saved to waves in the current NeuroMatic Data Folder with names: “CT_” + configuration name.

Telegraph – ADC configurations.

    Use the Telegraph option to designate an ADC configuration for an amplifier telegraph voltage signal (gain, mode, frequency or capacitance). If the ADC input is a telegraph gain, the ADC configuration will be used to compute automatic scaling of the ADC channel that is connected to the amplifier output (i.e. the channel that records the membrane potential or membrane current). You will be prompted to enter the ADC channel to scale. Telegraph gain conversions are available for the following amplifiers: Axopatch 200A and 200B, Axopatch 1D, Dagan 3900A and Alembic VE2.
    If you are using a MultiClamp amplifier (700A or 700B) then you can also use the Telegraph option to compute automatic scaling of the ADC channel(s) connected to the amplifier output(s). In this case, you need to check the Telegraph option for each ADC configuration defined for each amplifier output. You will be prompted to select the channel (1 or 2) and output type (primary or secondary). MultiClamp telegraphing requires installation of the AxonTelegraph XOP provided by WaveMetrics (search “Installing The AxonTelegraph XOP” in the Igor Help Browser (Igor Menu/Help/Igor Help Browser).